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Meet our Board Members

WHEFA is consists of seven members. The governor, lieutenant governor, chair of the student achievement council or the chair's designee, and four public members, one of whom shall be the president of a higher education institution at the time of appointment. The public members shall be residents of the state and appointed by the governor, subject to confirmation by the senate, on the basis of their interest or expertise in the provision of higher education and the financing of higher education. The public members of the authority shall serve for terms of four years. The initial terms of the public members shall be staggered in a manner determined by the governor.


Chair, Ex-Officio Member

Governor of Washington

Michael Meotti.jpg

Ex-Officio Member, Board Treasurer

Executive Director,

WA Student Achievement Council


Public Member

VP of Data Science & Engineering


David Schumacher Portrait.jpg

Governor's Designee

Director, Office of the Financial Management

President Allan Belton photo.jpeg

Public Member, Board Secretary

University President,

Pacific Lutheran University

Garcia, Sergio_Portrait.jpg

Public Member

Affordable Housing Developer

Catholic Charities Housing Services

Lt.Gov Denny Heck.JPG

Ex-Officio Member

Lieutenant Governor of Washington

Gene Sharratt picture for fliers.jpg

Public Member

Senior Research Advisor,

Center for Educational Effectiveness

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